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Showing posts from July, 2021

इस फ्रैंडशिप डे पर जानें आपका लव और दोस्ती का Equation

इस फ्रैंडशिप डे पर जानें आपका लव और दोस्ती का Equation क्या रहेगा और कैसा रहेगा? इस फ्रेंडशिप डे, होगा कुछ खास जानिए अपनी राशि के अनुसार अपनी दोस्ती और प्यार का हाल| दोस्ती और प्यार ये जीवन में ऐसे रिश्ते हैं जिनका नाम लेने से ही चेहरे पर खुशी, और दिल में उम्मीदों की रोशनी झलकने लगती है. यह सबसे सुंदर एहसास होते हैं जो हर पल हर लम्हा हमारे दिल में समाए रहता हैं: तो आईये जानते हैं कैसा रहेगा प्यार और दोस्ती का ये मैजिक भरा दिन आप सभी के लिए. अधिक जानकारी के लिये आप यहाँ क्लिक करे: Mesh - Vrishabh - Mithun - Kark - Singh - Kanya -

Savan 2021: इन राशियों पर रहेगी भोले बाबा की कृपा

Savan/Sawan में इन राशियों पर रहेगी भोले बाबा की कृपा: सावन का महीना भोले भंडारी की पूजा आराधना के लिए बहुत ही विशेष माना जाता है। इस वर्ष 25 जुलाई से सावन का माह शुरू हो चुका है। सावन के महीने में सोमवार का व्रत और शिवलिंग का जलाभिषेक करके भोलेनाथ को प्रसन्न किया जाता है। सावन का महीना / Month of Savan भगवान शिव कों बहुत ही प्रिय है और जो शिवभक्त इस पवित्र माह में शिवजी की पूजा मन से करता है उसकी हर मनोकामना पूरी होती है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र/Astrology के अनुसार भगवान शिव की पूजा का विशेष महत्व है, क्योंकि शिव मंत्रों के जाप से जातकों के जीवन में बुरे ग्रहों का प्रभाव कम होता है। आइए जानते हैं कि सावन के पवित्र महीने में कौन सी राशियां/ Zodiac Signs है जिस पर हमेशा भगवान शिव की कृपा रहती है। १. मेष राशि/Aries २. मकर राशि/Capricorn ३. कुम्भ राशि/Aquarius अपना दैनिक राशिफल हिंदी में जानने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करे: For English click here:

देवगुरु बृहस्पति की वक्री चाल 14 सितंबर तक कुम्भ राशि मे

देवगुरु बृहस्पति इस समय कुंभ राशि में वक्री/उलती चाल चल रहे हैं: देवगुरु बृहस्पति 14 सितंबर तक कुंभ राशि में वक्री चाल चलेंगे। इसके बाद गुरु मकर राशि में मार्गी/गोचर हो जाएंगे। देवगुरु बृहस्पति की उल्टी चाल कुछ राशियों के लिए अशुभ है। इन राशियों को विशेष सावधान रहने की आवश्यकता है। 1. मेष राशि/Aries 2. कर्क राशि/Cancer 3. तुला राशि/Libra 4. मकर राशि/Capricorn 5. सिंह राशि/Leo अधिक जानकारी के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करे : To know, your Daily Horoscope / दैनिक राशिफल click here: हिंदी मे राशिफल जानने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करे :

What is Your Today’s Horoscope by Moon?

Moon is a celestial body that forms the basis of Vedic Astrology, an ancient system of studying, analyzing, and predicting the movement of celestial bodies and their impact on people as per the Horoscope Based on Moon Sign . In the really old days, when people (tribal people in those days) were closer to nature more than they are now, the movement of the Moon, the Sun, and the stars helped them predict the time, weather, season, calamities, etc. Gradually, people became educated and started taking a closer look at what was happening in the skies, which made them aware of the cycle of the Moon and the productive way to use it to predict life events for individuals of a particular moon sign. Since times immemorial, astrologers have considered the Moon to be a strong fertility symbol, owing to the fact that it represents the monthly cycle in women.  By virtue of that, the Moon is also considered a potent omen for abundant creativity. But above all, it is the most personal kind of a pl...

What are the Chances of Government Job as per Astrology?

Millions of aspirants across the country dream of getting selected for a government job every year. They study hard through school and before the examinations too. But eventually, how many of those get selected for the most coveted job? Only a handful! Why is that? Well, one explanation for that could be in Government Jobs Astrology . If you are sailing in the same boat and want some insight into where you might be going wrong, you might want to consult an astrologer to know more. Government jobs astrology is quite capable of answering your questions about whether you could get into Civil Service by Date of Birth or Railway Service as per Astrology . One substantial reason to use astrology while choosing a career, especially in the government sector, is that making a perfect career choice brings you financial prosperity while saving you the time you would have wasted in a job clearly not meant for you. Though there is no substitute for hard work and merit, which are the two things tha...

Transit of Venus: शुक्र ग्रह का प्रभाव | Effects of Venus

ज्योतिष शास्त्र में शुक्र ग्रह /Venus का काफी खास स्थान है। इसे धन, लक्ष्मी और वैभव का कारक माना गया है। शुक्र ग्रह से संबंधित जातक को जीवन में खूब तरक्की मिलती है। मां लक्ष्मी की कृपा दृष्टि सदा उस पर बनी रहती है। शुक्र के प्रभाव में उसका दांपत्य जीवन काफी खुशहाल रहता है। उसे अपनी पत्नी का हर मुकाम पर साथ मिलता है। दोनों एक दूसरे का सहयोग करते हुए आगे बढ़ते हैं। शुक्र के प्रभाव के कारण जातक को वैवाहिक, शारीरिक और भौतिक जीवन में काफी सफलता मिलती है। इसी कड़ी में आइए जानते हैं वह कौन सी राशियां हैं? जो शुक्र ग्रह के प्रभाव में खूब प्रगति करता हैं For more information visit here: For Know Weekly or Daily Horoscope click here : or

How does Daily Horoscope Affect Your Career?

A person grows up in life only once he or she starts earning his own money. The sense of accomplishment that comes with your first salary is unmatched. And with a proceeding career, that feeling continues to grow, bringing a person social status, honour, and respect. However, more often than not, it is seen that building a long-lasting and satisfactory career is no child’s play. That is where Career Horoscope for Today or the Daily Horoscope comes in. Your livelihood is not just a means to make money, but it is a way to sustain your family’s future in an honest manner. Today Career Horoscope is an effective means to study and analyze your future correctly. India’s ace astrologer Dr. Vinay Bajrangi says, “Your horoscope is drawn from the most accurate information regarding the time, place, and date of your birth. The astrological combinations that prevail at the time of your birth guide and govern your life till your last breath. So, whatever queries you have about your careers prese...

Guru Purnima: इस पावन अवसर पर जानें इस दिन का महत्व और शुभ मुहूर्त

What are the top Astrological Remedies for Career?

Whether you are joining your first job or thinking of shifting to a new one, one subject that would be your perfect ally is Career Astrology . It would pay well to remember that Career Selection as per Astrology is a precise process, which consults your birth chart and suggests remedies for potential problems. If you are interested in Career Planning as per Birth Date , the first thing you need to do is get your horoscope or birth chart made by an experienced astrologer, like Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, who is one of the most learned astrologers in the country. Such a specialist will help you navigate the world of career astrology and come up trumps vis-a-vis a job of your choice or promotion that you’ve been longing for.  It all starts with understanding what your horoscope says about your career. Astrologers like Dr. Bajrangi make Astrology Predictions for Career after analyzing the planetary combinations available in your birth chart. There are planets or planetary combinations that c...

Today's Horoscope | Rashifal in Hindi - देखे कैसा रहेगा आज का दिन

The horoscope can give you information about the future. For today's horoscope, you can plan your day according to your sun sign from all zodiac signs. If you are always on the go, you can get a free online horoscope from our website. If you visit the official website of Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, you can get information on topics other than just horoscopes. If you have any doubts regarding your future aspects, you can also get them resolved by booking an appointment. For more information visit our website

Which planet is responsible for job loss as per Job Astrology Prediction?

Just like there is Houses Responsible for a Good Job and planets that take care of your career and job prospects, you must know that there are planets, which may be responsible for no job in your birth chart. The state of being jobless or not finding a job for long durations could also be because of your own decisions. However, more often than not, a job loss may occur because of the circumstances that are beyond your comprehension or control. You must have seen during the past one year people who had perfect jobs, who had been in a company for years, or who are well-educated and well-settled in their workspace, losing all that all of a sudden. Again, the circumstances were beyond them, but it pays to pay attention to what your birth chart has to say about it as per Job Astrology Prediction .    Planet Responsible for Job Loss Job Astrology Calculator or job astrology prediction tells that usually it is Saturn (Shani), which brings bad luck to you vis-à-vis job prospects and...


One of the most coveted jobs in our country is the government job or ‘ Sarkari Naukri ’. This could mean a job anywhere in the government sector, be it a Ministry, a state-level department, or a government school/college. People want government jobs for various reasons, major among which is job stability and pension after retirement. No harm in making your future secure, right! Well, everyone may be hankering after a government job but it is not in everyone’s Kismat . In order to avoid pushing your luck or heartbreak, later on, find out about your Government Job Prediction by Date of Birth as soon as you start thinking of starting work. Government Job Calculator is one of the most significant aspects of Vedic Career Astrology, which offers options like Consultation for Private or Government Jobs .   Government job as per Kundli In order to understand the probability of securing a government job as per astrology, you need to realize the vital role played by the Sun and the Moon in...