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Showing posts with the label Ashlesha Nakshatra

Which Nakshatra Is Compatible With Ashlesha Nakshatra?

  It is easy to describe the kind of personality of a person born in Ashlesha Nakshatra . Mercury presides over Ashlesha nakshatra, the ninth in the celestial constellation of a total of 27 nakshatras . Symbolized by a symbol of a coiled serpent, this star is governed by a group of snakes. Ashlesha is also referred to as Naga nakshatra. Ashlesha natives are crafty and shrewd, although wise by nature. With an exemplary ability to focus on any given topic at hand, these natives are very tight-lipped about things in general and very capable of keeping any secret. They are constantly bothered by insecurity and confusion. Shying away from unexplored terrains. These natives always feel comfortable with familiar people and situations concerning relationships. They are known to shower gifts on loved ones. These natives are in their comfort zone with only a few people in their lives. Stars compatible with ashlesha are always on an emotional rollercoaster with the ashlesha people because the...

Nature and Qualities of people born under Ashlesha Nakshatra

In the Zodiac belt, Ashlesha Nakshatra finds 9 th place. The Ashleshians or Ashlesha nakshtra’s natives are well-known for their certain characteristics of being actual anti-heroes in their life with a truly vigilante persona. Ashlesha being the real Mercury follower, these natives have natural hunger of knowing things and are full of wisdom. Their personality is often hypnotic and that’s the reason, they easily attract people around. The Ashlesha constellation carries 5 stars, and is symbolized by the Clinging Star which is a feature held up by the Ashlesha’s symbol – serpent king. Just like the Nakshatra name, these natives are very mysterious with characteristics of being very manipulative and are great secret-holders. For such characters, they become great politicians. अगर आप अश्लेषा नक्षत्र हिंदी में पढ़ना कहते है तो क्लिक करे। The Ashlesha Nakshatra’s natives are known to be responsible, sharp-minded and highly efficient in every aspect of life. Thus, Ashlesha Nak...

सूर्य का नक्षत्र परिवर्तन: जानें किन राशियों पर पढ़ेगा प्रभाव

ज्योतिष शास्त्र में सूर्य का नक्षत्र परिवर्तन काफी महत्वपूर्ण माना गया है। हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार, सूर्य का गोचर / Sun Transit 3 अगस्त की सुबह 3 बजकर 42 मिनट पर हो गया है। खास बात यह है कि इस नक्षत्र में पहले बुध का गोचर / Mercury Transit है। जानिए सूर्य और बुध का संयोग किन राशियों/ Zodiac Sign पर डालेगा शुभ प्रभाव:  मेष - अश्लेषा नक्षत्र/ Ashlesha Nakshatra के प्रभाव में मेष राशि / Aries Horoscope को धन लाभ होने की संभावना है। ज्योतिषियों के अनुसार, मेष राशि वालों के लिए अगस्त का महीना शुभ होगा। इस दौरान शिक्षा से जुड़े लोगों को शुभ परिणाम मिलेंगे। करियर/ Career Horoscope में सफलता के योग बनेंगे।  मिथुन - ग्रहों की चाल में परिवर्तन से मिथुन राशि / Gemini Horoscope वालों की आर्थिक स्थिति बेहतर होगी। बुध का अश्लेषा नक्षत्र में गोचर से मिथुन राशि वालों की आय में वृद्धि होगी। इस दौरान आपको निवेश का भी फायदा मिलेगा। कारोबार में तरक्की के योग बनेंगे। सिंह - सिंह राशि / Leo Horoscope वालों का इस दौरान भाग्य साथ देगा। किसी काम को पूरी लगन से करने पर उसमें सफलता मिलेगी। करियर...