First things first, Nakshatras or collections of stars make a lot of difference to our lives because of the astrological calculations inherent in them. As per Vedic Astrology , each Nakshatra or a Star Constellation is represented by a star. There are 27 Nakshatras, based on the division of 360 degree sky into 27 subdivisions of 13.20 degrees each. The Nakshatras are broadly classified into three categories – Dev (divine), Nar (human) and Rakshas (demon). The three categories are further sub-divided into more sub-categories based on gender and Varna (caste). As per astrology, Nakshatra is an amalgamation of words ‘Naksha’ and Tara , which mean a map and a star, respectively. In effect, Nakshatra means a star map, which shows you what constellation has in store for you. The 27 Nakshatras are different from each other and their uniqueness comes from the presence of the Moon in each of these constellations. Since every study, every analysis of a person’s birth-chart is based on the m...
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