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Showing posts with the label Effects of Venus and Mercury Conjunctions

What are the consequences of Venus and Mercury Conjunctions?

The artistry, romance, and relationship expertise of Venus get even more refined by the presence of mercury. The combination gives rise to wit and charm, the chief personality trait of these natives.  People born under this confluence express love and beauty rather than hate and theatrics. Is the Venus and Mercury conjunction rare?  First of all, Venus and Mercury's conjunction is not rare. About 60% population of this world has this conjunction. Mercury and Venus being inner orbit planets are mostly seen in conjunction. The impacts of Venus and Mercury conjunction are significant on the native's life. Effects of Venus and Mercury Transit in Capricorn particularly affect lives in different ways. Effects of Venus Transit in Capricorn bring financial soundness and fortune to the natives. Effects of Mercury Transit in Capricorn are not very favorable as it brings a lot of stress. What are the characteristic traits of the natives with Venus and Mercury confluence?  The char...