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Showing posts with the label marriage predictions

What are the reasons for delay in marriage as per the birth chart?

Marriage is one of the most desired phases in one’s life. Almost every parent wants their children to get married at the right age. But sometimes many of us may face a problem of delay in marriage. Marriage Astrology explains several Reasons for Delay in Marriage and some of prime significance has been mentioned in this write up. Factors cause delay in marriage Saturn : The planet Saturn shows slowness. So, if it is placed in the Seventh House the native may face delays in marriage.  Venus : Venus is a karaka of wife and the natural Lord of the seventh house in kalpurush kundli. Its position is very important in determining the D elay in Marriage . If it is weak in its debilitation or inimical sign or even if it is combust, the native face problems in getting married. Jupiter : If Jupiter is in fall in the horoscope, the native is likely to face problems in his/her marriage. Jupiter is a karaka of marriage for females and its weak position may cause marriage to get delayed. Sun ...

Why is Astrology needed in today's life?

Astrology is assistance that we seek for our lives, as it is needed more than ever in today's life. It enjoys unprecedented popularity these days amongst all age groups.  Astro Sages say that there are over 80 branches of astrology that include different schools of practice. Here is a handful of them, picked and explained, for your reference. Astrology is an art of divination that reveals your past, present, and future. It is what the celestial bodies had decided for us before we were born. The status and position of planets captured at birth influence everything about our life, from personality traits to future events. Life always takes an unpredictable route towards our destination.   What are the various branches of astrology? Medical astrology is one of the various ancient astrological branches that explains why we get medical issues in certain parts of our bodies. Each zodiac sign and planet rule and affect different organs of the body.   Mundane astrology is us...

Answered: Best time to marry!

The younger generation of today certainly faces problems related to marriage. Everybody marries in haste and repents in leisure. It is not the specifications that we have chalked out for our ideal partner that works against us. Most of us are victims of our circumstances when it comes to marriage. The call of the circumstances forces us into the wedlock that we did not realize would mock us for a lifetime later. The first thing that comes to mind are the readily available online tools, which fuel our aspirations. We comb the entire web for the most plausible solution that aligns with our wishes and commonsense. It is usually the compulsion, haste, advancing age, fear of societal glare, or the financial plight that puts us into the predicament. All said and done ,  with a sincere wish for a promising future, we step into married life with blessings from elders and loved ones. This fervent wish, coupled with proper astrological guidance, leads us towards the right partner. It is co...

Which Planet Is Responsible For A Better Life Partner!

The bond of marriage is regarded as the most sacred bond in the world. It is the bond which brings two different souls together through marriage and makes them live for one another. Though every couple does not share a pleasant bond with one another even after consideration of Kundali before marriage. So, what exactly to see in a horoscope which can help finding a better life partner for you? We’ll tell you right in this article. As our Kundali gives a great value to planets, the consideration around these celestial bodies might help you find a better life partner. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi who holds years of expertise in astrology shares which planet is responsible for a better life partner right here. How & Which Planets afflicting poor marital relationship – Before we talk about good planets for a good life partner, let’s highlight planets which spell the disastrous attitude of the partner. Therefore, according to many astrologers, Saturn, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Mars along with the 1...

Marriage prediction- क्या जीवन साथी के बारे में बता सकता है ज्योतिष?

विवाह और एक अच्छे जीवनसाथी की भविष्यवाणी करना ज्योतिष शास्त्र में संभव है। सही तरीके से किया गया  कुंडली   विश्लेषण/ Horoscope Analysis   और  विवाह के लिए भविष्यवाणी / Marriage prediction   ही किसी व्यक्ति के वैवाहिक जीवन और उसके लाइफ पार्टनर को चुनने में मदद कर सकता है। यदि दो लोगों का कुंडली मिलान सही से किया गया हो ,  तो ही आपका जीवन साथी एक योग्य जीवन साथी यानि के परफेक्ट लाइफ पार्टनर बन सकता है। क्या है विवाह के लिए भविष्यवाणी ? ज्योतिष शास्त्र में विवाह से संबंधित हर पहलू पर विचार किया गया है। विवाह से संबंधित कोई भी प्रश्न ज्योतिष शास्त्र से अछूता नही रहा है। ऐसे में विवाह और वैवाहिक जीवन/ Married life के सुख को समझने के लिए ज्योतिष एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। आपका विवाह कब होगा , किसी उम्र में होगा , विवाह जल्दी होगा या देर से होगा इत्यादि बातों को मैरिज प्रेडिक्शन अर्थात ज्योतिष द्वारा विवाह भविष्यवाणी द्वारा बता पाना संभव है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र में दिए गए नियमों एवं निर्देशों को यदि समझा जाए , तो वैवाहिक जीवन के समस्त परिवेश को समझा जा सकता ...

Can Marriage Prediction Predict Your Perfect Life Partner

Marriage prediction and finding a perfect life partner is possible in Astrology. The correct Horoscope analysis and marriage prediction help predict a person's married life and his/her life partner. If the horoscope matching is done correctly, only then you can get a life partner who can prove to be a perfect foil for you. What is marriage prediction? Astrology takes care of every aspect of marriage. Any question concerning marriage is not been left unanswered in Astrology. So, it has a vital role in comprehending the happiness and pleasure of married life. Reading your horoscope makes it possible to tell when you will get married , at what age, whether your marriage will happen on time or there will be a delay, etc. If the rules of Astrology are comprehended well, then the entire whereabouts of the married life can be understood, and in accordance, a complete prediction of the married life can be made. But, this thing can be done right only by a qualified astrologer. Let...

Marriage/विवाह – जीवन का एक अनोखा पड़ाव

इस लेख को लिखने का कारण मेरा ज्योतिष और ज्योतिष भविष्यवाणी का अपने अनुभव को आप लोगों से साझा करना है। नमस्कार मेरा नाम नवीन है और मैं नांगलोई, दिल्ली का निवासी हूं। कुछ समय पहले मैं एक डिजिटल मार्केटिंग कंपनी में काम कर रहा था और अच्छा कमा रहा था। साथ साथ मुझे घर से भी कोई समस्या नहीं थी और ना ही मुझे कोई आर्थिक समस्या/Financial issues थी। जब मैं 28 वर्ष का हुआ तो घर वालों ने मेरे लिए रिश्ते खोजने शुरु कर दिया। लेकिन जो भी रिश्ते देखे जाते वह पूरे नहीं हो पाते। कई बार दोनों पक्ष ही तैयार हो जाते, लेकिन किसी ना किसी कारण विवाह नहीं हो पाता। शुरुआत में तो लगा कि यह सब जीवन का हिस्सा है, लेकिन जैसे जैसे चीजें बार बार होती रही, इन सब बातों ने मेरे दिमाग पर असर डालना शुरू कर दिया। तकरीबन एक से दो साल बाद तो ऐसा लगने लगा कि मेरी किस्मत में विवाह का योग/Marriage Yoga ही नहीं है। जहां भी हम रिश्ता देखने जाते वहां से मुझे सिर्फ निराशा ही हाथ लगती। एक समय के बाद तो ऐसा लगा कि रिश्ता देखने ना ही जाए तो ही बेहतर होगा। इन सबके बाद मेरे परिवार ने निर्णय लिया कि क्यों ना विवाह के लिए भविष्यवाणी/marr...