In Astrology, every house is important, but special significance is given to the tenth house because it is the house of karmas or career. Whatever good or bad deeds we will do in our life can be identified with the tenth house. If the tenth house is under the benefic influence, the native does good karmas, and under malefic influence, the karmas have bad motivations behind them. A strong 10th house under the benefic influence may give you a successful career and vice-versa. At the same time, every planet influences your Karmas as per their karakas if placed in the tenth house. Not just the planet but the sign placed in the tenth house also had a significant impact on our karmas and professional life. The 10th house also signifies the recognition and achievements you may get in your life. It is also important to know where the “lord” of the tenth house is placed or gone in the birth chart. Let’s understand what good and bad results you may expect through the influence of various plane...
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