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Showing posts with the label Sun and Venus conjunction in a horoscope

How Special Is The Sun-Venus Conjunction?

The Sun is a royal planet given the kingly status in Astrology. The Sun represents the soul and thus when someone wishes to understand how well a person follows moral values in life, simply look at the Sun in his/her birth chart. The Sun transits or moves to the next sign every month, known as surya sankranti. The Sun being the most significant planet says a lot with its conjunction with other planets. As far as conjunction of the planets is concerned, they both affect each other with their natural significations and change the overall tone of the horoscope. An astrologer needs to see various things to decode any conjunction of planets. The conjunction of Sun and Venus is very special yet a common phenomenon as both these planets almost remains together for most of the time. The planet Venus represents grandeur, beauty, luxuries, wealth and attraction in life. Sun shows authority, pride, power, immunity and active lifestyle etc. Sun- Venus Conjunction: Favorable or Unfavorable result ...