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How can I get career advice based on astrology?

Astrology is an ancient science of taking valuable insights into the life of a native with the help of the planetary placements in their birth chart. Astrology may predict every important aspect of your life, including your career. Astrology may determine the best suitable career for you with the help of astrological calculations and analysis. The tenth house is the main house of career in a birth chart apart from the subordinate houses, i.e., the sixth and seventh houses. The planetary influence at the Tenth House and its lord may take you closer to your dream career. Read on to find out Can astrology help to choose my career? Of course, yes! There have been detailed descriptions of finding the best career for a native in almost all astrological texts. The process has been tested times and proves 100% accurate while Selecting Career by birth chart for a person. A suitable career majorly depends upon the inclinations and willpower of the native, which can be determined through the La