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Showing posts with the label Horoscope analysis

Karma – Everything that happens relates back!

You don't have to believe in the idea of being reborn after death to understand Karma. However, according to the Vedantic perspective, it is believed that you have lived many lives before this one, and the circumstances you find yourself in today are the outcome of your actions in all those previous lives. Believing in Karma and reincarnation helps explain why good people may experience unfortunate events or a young, innocent child may develop a serious illness. According to Hindu beliefs, everything in your life is influenced by the energy generated by actions in past life karma . Every situation you encounter, and every person you meet has a karmic significance, meaning that everything happens for a purpose. What Is Karma? Karma is a concept that has different meanings in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is often explained using saying, "What you sow is what you reap." In Hinduism, Karma refers to the connection between a person's thoughts or actions and the following outc...

Which Planets are Responsible for health & Wealth in Astrology?

  Knowing which planets are responsible for health and wealth in Astrology is interesting. Almost all of us aspire to two main things: Health and Wealth. But have you ever noticed a single person possessing both of them? Probably no! If health is there, wealth is less, and if wealth is there, health is weak. Why does this happen? How can we ensure both health and wealth in life through astrology? In Vedic Astrology, the first house, i.e., the ascendant represents you, including your physical and mental traits. What type of person you are can be determined by your birth chart. The first house in the birth chart determines how healthy you will be. If the lord of the ascent and the ascendant are in a good position in the birth chart, the person will likely enjoy good health. The affliction or weakness of the ascendant and its lord indicate weak health. For wealth, we look at the second house of the birth chart. The person has good wealth if there is a planet in its own, exaltation or...

Ashwini Female and Rohini Male Business Compatibility

In marriage Astrology , the astrologers find marriage compatibility based on the Moon signs of the natives. The most popular Kundli Milan also forms its basis on the position of the Moon in the birth charts. Now, the nakshatra in which the Moon sits at birth significantly impacts the native. As per ancient texts, the Moon has 27 wives in the form of 27 nakshatras, and Rohini is Moon's favorite wife. The Moon spends a little more time in Rohini than in other nakshatras. This is the reason why Rohini accounts for his favorite beloved wife. A man who gets born in Rohini nakshatra possesses some general traits. As per the love horoscope , Rohini men are very passionate lovers and show these characteristics-   Rohini Nakshatra has a sense of compassion, love, and emotions. This Nakshatra is also conservative and receives outside influences more quickly than others. They show tremendous care for their health and have good longevity.   Rohini Nakshatra people wish their partners to ...

पितरों की नाराजगी का संकेत हैं घर में हो रही ऐसी घटनाएं!

Pitra Paksha: हिंदू धर्म में पूर्वजों की आत्मा की शांति के लिए तर्पण-श्राद्ध आदि कर्म किए जाते हैं। इसके लिए 15 दिन का पितृ पक्ष/ Pitra Paksha समर्पित किया गया है। इन 15 दिनों के दौरान पूर्वजों को प्रसन्न करने के लिए अनुष्ठान-उपाय करते हैं। यदि पितृ नाराज हो जाएं तो जीवन में कई तरह के संकटों का सामना करना पडता है। यदि मृतक का अंतिम संस्कार विधि-विधान से न हो, पितरों की शांति के तर्पण-श्राद्ध न किया जाए या पिंडदान न किया जाए तो व्यक्ति पर पितृ दोष लगता है। कई बार पूर्व जन्‍म से भी पितृ दोष/ Pitra Dosha आता है। पितरों के नाराज होने के संकेत पितृ दोष के कारण व्यक्ति को मेहनत करने के बाद भी फल नहीं मिलता है व्यापार में नुकसान, करियर में रुकावट भी आती हैं पितृ दोष के कारण वैवाहिक जीवन में समस्या/ Issues in Married Life आ सकती है अविवाहितों के विवाह में बेवजह बाधाएं आती हैं/ Delay in marriage पूजा-पाठ और दान का शुभ फल नहीं मिलता है घर के एक ही सदस्य के खाने में बार-बार बाल निकलना घर में अकारण ही दुर्गंध आना और उसका कारण पता नहीं चलना सपने में बार-बार पूर्वजों का दिखना या रोना बिना किसी श...