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Showing posts with the label Career Astrology

Venus Transit: अस्त हो रहे है शुक्र इन राशियों को जॉब-बिजनेस में होगा नुकसान

Venus Transit Effects : शुक्र भौतिक सुख, सौंदर्य, वैवाहिक जीवन, कारोबार पर असर डालने वाले ग्रह हैं। उनकी स्थिति में बदलाव जिंदगी पर बड़ा प्रभाव डालती है। कल यानी कि 4 जनवरी 2022 से शुक्र अस्त होने जा रहे हैं और वैदिक ज्योतिष के अनुसार इसे अशुभ माना गया है। जब कोई ग्रह सूर्य के साथ युति करके किसी ऐसी राशि में पहुंचे, जहां उसकी चमक कम हो जाए तो उसे ज्योतिष में ग्रह का अस्त होना कहा जाता है। शुक्र भी 4 जनवरी को धनु राशि में ( Venus Transit in Sagittarius ) अस्त होने जा रहे हैं और यह 9 राशि वाले लोगों के लिए अशुभ साबित होगा। इसका प्रभाव 14 जनवरी तक देखने को मिल सकता है। शुक्र ग्रह यदि अस्त हो तो विवाह करना भी अशुभ माना जाता है। इसके अलावा शुक्र का अस्त होना सुख में कमी लाता है। मेष (Aries) : वर्कप्लेस पर काम का बोझ बढ़ेगा। मेहनत के अनुरूप सराहना न मिलने से मन में निराशा के भाव रहेंगे। वृषभ (Taurus) : कारोबारियों को भी काम में लाभ की स्थिति नहीं बन रही है। बेहतर होगा कि 10 दिन का यह समय धैर्य से निकालें।  कर्क (Cancer): जॉब करने वालों को यह समय खासी मुश्किलें देगा। ऐसी स्थितियां बनेंगी ज

What is your Right Career According to Zodiac Sign? Choosing the Best Career as per Astrology

  The right job gives you the power to build a great career that lasts a lifetime. But it isn’t uncommon to see people struggling with their choice of livelihood, which often destroys their peace of mind and affects other aspects of their life too. More often than not, you must have seen people studying and training for a particular career for years ending up doing something totally different. With the new world throwing up multiple career choices, this conundrum of which job to choose has only deepened. But all your frustration and desperation can be addressed with the help of Career Astrology , which helps you in choosing the Best Profession according to Birth Date . If you consult an experienced astrologer like Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, he would tell you about the Best Career Options by Birth Chart . Consultation for Right Career Selection is imperative because your zodiac signs rule your career prospects right from the choice of field to your income. Believe it or not, your zodiac sign h

Selecting The Right Career as per Astrology

If you also want to do well in your career like all the successful folks, you have to go step by step to achieve fate. We can easily say that the career is based on our chosen subjects and the areas of interest. There is absolutely no margin for error in choosing the right career, as it has the potential to affect your entire life. If you cannot decide the right career, then going as per the Career Prediction by date of birth online can help you a great deal to be on the right track.  Discovering the potential for Vedic astrology for career When you think about shaping your career, the biggest dilemma you face is going for a job or trying your hands in a business. Your horoscope can give a clear idea of whether you are more able for a job or be an entrepreneur. The tenth house in your horoscope is responsible for you taking up a career. Various permutations and combinations of planets tell the most suitable Select Profession as per the birth chart for you. Vedic astrology has the po

What are the top Astrological Remedies for Career?

Whether you are joining your first job or thinking of shifting to a new one, one subject that would be your perfect ally is Career Astrology . It would pay well to remember that Career Selection as per Astrology is a precise process, which consults your birth chart and suggests remedies for potential problems. If you are interested in Career Planning as per Birth Date , the first thing you need to do is get your horoscope or birth chart made by an experienced astrologer, like Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, who is one of the most learned astrologers in the country. Such a specialist will help you navigate the world of career astrology and come up trumps vis-a-vis a job of your choice or promotion that you’ve been longing for.  It all starts with understanding what your horoscope says about your career. Astrologers like Dr. Bajrangi make Astrology Predictions for Career after analyzing the planetary combinations available in your birth chart. There are planets or planetary combinations that can m


Your horoscope is the key to your life and the early to understand this concept, the easier it is going to be to monitor your future. One of the significant branches of Vedic Astrology is Career Astrology Prediction , which talks about your Best Career Options as per Astrology . For instance, if you are looking to make a career in law, wouldn’t it be helpful to know in advance whether that would be a favorable option or not. The 12 houses in your birth-chart signify different career options and placement of various planets in various houses denotes the likely career option you must go for.   Career Selection As Per Birth Chart 1.       First House – This house represents yourself and thus, this house denotes your success in self-employment. 2.       Second House – This house showcases career success in areas like teaching, finance, writing, and publishing. 3.       Third House – Career selection by date of birth gains new meaning if you look at how this house is called the

Get Job Promotion As Per Your Birth Chart

People working in the job sector, whether government or private, are always dreaming of the next promotion, because it is the surefire way to work progress as well as better salary. The next promotion helps them gain a better foothold at work and the better income that comes with it helps them make major financial decisions in life with more freedom. However, a promotion is not easy to come by even if you are giving your best at the workplace. People often keep waiting for their next promotion but sometimes they are surpassed by a far less qualified colleague and at other times the promotion just doesn’t happen. This endless wait can be brutal. Therefore, it is important to seek Astrological Remedies for Job Promotion before it is too late for you. Job Promotion Astrology can be a really incredible aid to use for gaining growth and success in your work life. As always, it is the different planets that exert a huge influence upon your work life and shape the course of destiny for yo