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Are there any solutions for my married life problems?

Any relationship takes a lot of work to keep it healthy and thriving. Many good marriages often slip into boredom or troubles because one doesn't realise how much effort and work they take. It is just like if you stop investing in the house you are living in; it will fall into disrepair.  If your marriage also seems to be stuck in a rut, think back to the time when you first pursued your partner. It required all your commitment, hard work, and imagination. If winning their heart back then needed so much, then why is it surprising that neglect gives rise to marital disputes after you tied the knot? You know that your partner would have never married you if you took them for granted then. So, why would you risk your beautiful bond for trivial reasons?  Irrespective of whatever was done is past. Your present and future depend on your wish to restore your relationship to its old glory. Astrology suggests numerous such remedies and solutions for married life problems that you can o