Is there Kaal Sarp Dosh in my Kundli?
However, it isn’t easy to be sure or unsure of whether your
horoscope contains the Kaal
Sarp Yog or not. It takes a detailed analysis by a best astrologer to find out the
specific symptoms or indications of this Yog in your Janam Kundli or
birth-chart. Symptoms that indicate presence of Kaal Sarp Yog in your Kundli
include –
If you dream of your own house and water bodies around it.
You often see images of dead people in your dreams.
You see dead ancestors or departed family members in your dreams.
4. While
sleeping, you feel someone strangling you or choking you.
There is little doubt that people with Kaal
Sarp Yog in my Kundli are petrified of snakes and snake bites. It is
also acknowledged by experienced astrologers that such people need to struggle
in life. However, another aspect of this astrological combination is that such
people are devoted to their family and make ideal citizens. Their other
characteristics include being gregarious, nurturing and altruistic.
Those who are influenced by the Kaal
Sarp Dosh must worship Lord Shiva and chant Om Namah Shivay on
Mondays, which would bring them peace. Other simple remedies for this malefic
Yog are chanting Panchakshari Mantra, which again is Om Namah Shivay and
performing the Maha Mrityunjay Mantra Jaap at least 108 times daily.
Difference between Ascending and Descending Kaal Sarp Dosh
Depending upon the position of Rahu and Ketu among the 12 houses in
birth-chart, the Kaal Sarp Yog is of 12 types. Besides, the Kaal Sarp
Yog is also of two types – Ascending and Descending. The position of the 7
prime planets between Rahu and Ketu determines whether the Yog is ascending or
descending. The planets at Rahu’s mouth mean an ascending Kaal Sarp Yog while
descending Yog is when the planets are placed at Rahu’s rear.
Famous personalities with Kaal Sarp Dosh
Kaal Sarp Dosh has good as well as bad effects on the native. This
is clearer if you look at how this Yog can be found in the horoscopes of a
number of government ministers, including Prime Ministers, Presidents and Chief
Ministers. One of the most prominent names in this regard would be that of
Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, India’s first prime minister post-independence.
Present day personalities in India, who were born with this Yog in their Kundli
and who could derive a good effect from it owing to their spiritual disposition
are current Prime
Minister Narendra Modi and Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar. On the
other hand, representing the negative impact of this Dosh is its presence in
the horoscope of Harshad
Mehta, who wreaked havoc at the national economy during early 1990s.
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