Yoga Day 2022: जहां एक तरफ नपुर शर्मा (Nupur Sharma) के कारण लगभग पूरी दुनिया हमारे खिलाफ हो गई है। वहीं दूसरी तरफ भारत विश्व योग के नाम से प्रख्यात हो रहा है।
Whether you know astrology or not, you must have heard the name Mangal/Manglik/Kuja dosha in the kundli. The mangal dosha is one of the infamous and dreadful doshas in an individual's kundli/birth chart. However, the Mangal/Mars dosha may not be as dreadful as it is portrayed based on its sign placement in your birth chart. Well, you need astrological consultation to determine precisely how fierce your Mangal Dosha is if any. What is Mangal Dosha? In astrology, Mars is called Bhaum, Kuja, mangal, or red planet. If you ask what is mangal dosha ? The simple answer is that the dosha/defect of the placement of Mars is called Magal dosha. The Mangal dosha is formed by the placement of Mars in certain houses of the birth chart. If Mars is present in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, and twelfth house in your kundli, you have a Mangal Dosha. The natives with Mangal Dosha are called the Manglik people. When Mars gets placed in any of these above-mentioned houses, it disturbs the lif...
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