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How can Astrology App Predict Delay Marriage Yoga?

 Some people try hard but still experience delays in getting married. There's something in their astrological birth chart that predicts a delay in marriage or, sometimes, even no marriage at all. When someone is going through this tough situation, it's a good idea to talk to an astrologer to figure out why it's happening. 

Nowadays, there are astrology mobile apps that help you understand if there might be a delay in getting married and why it could be happening. One such app is the Karma Astro app. It's advanced and covers many things about your married life, like whether there might be a delay in getting married.


Karma Astro app is like a blessing for those hoping to get married or is at an age where marriage is possible. Let's see what the Karma Astro mobile app can do for you.


How does Astrology App Predict Delay Marriage Yoga in the birth chart?


The Karma Astro, a marriage prediction app, can tell you much about your future marriage. It might tell you what your future spouse could look like and what kind of personality they might have. It can also predict where you might meet your future spouse, how happy your married life could be, and if you might face any problems in your marriage.


The app can also guess when you might get married, whether it might be delayed or early. It gives you an idea if there's a chance of separation or divorce in the future.


If you're wondering why your marriage might be delayed, the delay in marriage yoga calculator app can help. It determines if the delay is because of personal issues, work, family, or even the planet. Once it knows the reason, it gives you suggestions to fix the problem. Many people have used this app and found ways to get married sooner.


Know the Reasons & Effective Solutions for Delay in Marriage


In Future Life Partner Predictions, delays in marriage are often attributed to specific planetary combinations, aspects, and positions in a person's birth chart. Here are some common astrological reasons for the delay in marriage and potential remedies:


Saturn's Influence (Sade Sati): Saturn is often associated with delays and obstacles. During periods like Sade Sati (when Saturn transits the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses from your Moon sign), delays or challenges in various aspects of life, including marriage, might occur. 


Malefic Planetary Combinations: Malefic combinations involving Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu in the 7th house (house of marriage) or aspects to it can indicate delays. 


7th House Afflictions: Afflictions to the 7th house by malefic planets or aspects can lead to marriage delays and lack of marriage compatibility


Weak Venus: Venus is the planet of love and relationships. A weak or afflicted Venus can contribute to marriage delays. 

Dasha and Bhukti Periods: Specific planetary periods (Dasha) and sub-periods (Bhukti) can influence marriage timing. Delays may occur during unfavourable periods. 


Kuja Dosha (Mangal Dosha): In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosha, caused by Mars, is believed to affect marriage. If Mars is placed in certain houses or aspects of the 7th house, it might lead to delays. Remedies could include:

  • Performing rituals to appease Mars.

  • Marrying a person with a compatible Dosha.

  • Observing specific fasting rituals.

Planetary Transits: In addition to natal placements, planetary transits can also influence marriage timing. Unfavourable transits over the 7th house or its ruler might lead to delays. 


Astrological Remedies: Astrologers might suggest various remedies, such as wearing specific gemstones, performing pujas or rituals, chanting mantras, observing fasts, or engaging in acts of charity. These astrological remedies are believed to mitigate the negative influences of certain planets and yoga combinations.


Which planet is responsible for the delay in marriage?


According to Marriage Prediction Mobile App, delays in marriage are often attributed to various factors, including the influence of specific planets:


Saturn (Shani): Saturn's influence can indicate a sense of responsibility, seriousness, and caution in relationships, potentially leading to delays as individuals seek stability and maturity before committing to marriage.


Mars (Mangal): Mars is associated with energy, passion, and assertion. However, its negative influence can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and partnership formation delays. 


Rahu and Ketu: The presence of Rahu or Ketu in the 7th house (house of marriage) or their association with the 7th lord may be linked to delays or unconventional marital experiences.


Venus (Shukra): Venus is the planet of love, relationships, and harmony. Its afflictions or weak placement might delay forming a suitable partnership.


Jupiter (Guru): Jupiter is often seen as a benefic planet associated with expansion, wisdom, and positive outcomes. However, its influence can sometimes result in individuals seeking higher levels of compatibility and understanding before committing to marriage, potentially causing delays.



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